“Be Prepared”
Not only is it the motto of the Boy Scouts of America, in the food transportation business it’s the difference between success and failure….
Leaving a warm, balmy Chicago for Winnipeg, Manitoba in mid-November had me in full “be prepared” mode – winter coat, hat, gloves, and the right footwear for trudging thru snow. On our descent into Winnipeg International, I silently congratulated myself as the flight attendant announced a local temperature of -13……with blowing flurries expected to continue throughout the day.
Making my way to my first stop to check-in with a long time customer, I got my chance to practice my ice & snow driving skills early in the rental car. Visiting with the long time customer over coffee, a good bit of the conversation concerned the weather, the current state of his Randall Bulkheads, and rear door curtains, etc.. We also covered his drivers’ feedback on the new Randall Ramps on his new Kidron trailers. Unsolicited, he told me that my products help his fleet to always “be prepared”. The extreme weather conditions they face in this part of North America, make it essential to have equipment that performs. Simple things like knowing the bulkheads will separate temps accurately when it’s 40 below zero outside; curtains that can withstand the strong north winds; and keep product on the rear of the trailer from being flash frozen when the door is open. As for the new ramps, his drivers report the confidence they feel knowing they’ve got solid footing beneath them each time they’re headed up, or especially down the ramp with a heavy load.
As I thanked him for the business, and wished him Happy Holidays, he reminded me…
Yep….”be prepared”, it’s a way of life up here, ehh.
Writer on the Road: Kyle Allen
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WRITERS ON THE ROAD – Safe Fleet Truck & Trailers new blog series featuring our very own sales team. They’re taking it to the streets and sharing keen industry perspectives and viewpoints on a wide range of topics – that are fit to print.